80s porn

80s porn

Jeremy is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for "Most Appearances in Adult Films"; [22] his entry on the Internet Adult Film Database lists more than 2, films in which he has performed, and an additional films which he directed. Archived from the original on June 13, Rolling Stone. Sexy Playboy models posed for the camera topless or wearing nothing but stockings or garter belts. Amazon Business Service for business customers. He also allegedly sexually assaulted two women, ages 33 and 46, on separate occasions at a West Hollywood bar in , and is accused of raping a year-old woman at the same bar in July Retrieved November 20, Retrieved 1 May Jim Bentley. He soon found work posing for Playgirl after his then-girlfriend submitted his photo to the magazine. Holly in the black studded top works for me. Additionally, he made appearances on Penn and Teller 's Bullshit!

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