Adblock pornhub

Adblock pornhub

They need to fix their own business model. With websites, you haven't paid a fair return for the content you're consuming so the case isn't relevant. Looking away from ads, or hitting mute, or fast forwarding through them all require effort and time on the viewer's part. No need to split hairs. Websites are not giving you the content for free, they are giving it to you with an expectation that you take the ads along with them, or you pay for the subscription. It's as simple as that. Don't have an account yet? This has absolutely nothing to do with payment. If you want people to pay, make them pay. Besides, as i said, i don't even use pornhub. If your payments are based on eyeballs and not clicks or conversions, then absolutely I can see why they try to get around it You're ignoring that the web server is configured on purpose to give these things away without asking for payment.

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