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On X, Rokita called the law "common sense. The plaintiffs argue this law is a violation of the First amendment because they say it restricts free speech unnecessarily. Komen Foundation rejected a donation from the Save the Boobs campaign in because it did not want to be affiliated with the site. Fear not! Eric Holcomb, Bohacek wrote in a statement that the state has an "obligation to protect children from harmful content on the internet. She told me the company responds to her takedown requests faster than Google or Facebook. More: Indiana bill requiring porn websites to verify visitor ages heads to Gov. They also claim a violation of the federal Communications Decency Act, which says website operators are not to be considered publishers liable for content on their sites created by third parties. The porn site that wants to plow you Literally. With the method outlined in this law, children can easily get around age verification through virtual private networks and the dark web, and adults' speech is chilled because they are required to hand over personal information, they said. It requires those website operators to, beginning July 1, have a "reasonable age verification method" to prevent minors from viewing their site. Hey Boston!

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