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In this article: Artificial intelligence, Taylor Swift. California town of Alameda refuses to host a climate geoengineering experiment. Video Expand the sub menu. News analysis False photos of the American star created using AI have been viewed millions of times on X. One of the most prominent examples on X attracted more than 45 million views, 24, reposts, and hundreds of thousands of likes and bookmarks before the verified user who shared the images had their account suspended for violating platform policy. More than half of France's 2, endangered species are not directly protected. However, according to an investigation by Le Monde , a large portion of the images that have been circulated in recent days originated from the message board 4chan, one of the internet's most unrestrained forums and infamous for its extreme content. West went on a Twitter spree Wednesday morning to make amends with Drake. Paris by bike: 10 green islands from Porte de Versailles to the Jardins de Luxembourg. Click to scroll back to top of the page Back to top. Neither can we completely rely on filtering tech to catch platform violations. NY Digital Editor.

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