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The individuals, who have opted out of the class actions to bring their claims, accuse MindGeek of helping its users get more views for their content by coaching them on how to promote it on PornHub and doing little to find and stop CSAM content from being shared on its websites. Lauren Tabaksblat of Brown Rudnick, who filed the lawsuits on behalf of the individuals, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The order cites the example of one case in which the mother of a year-old girl who had been missing for a year spotted her daughter in fifty-eight videos on the website. About Us. Take-Down Request Resources: Visit these websites to request removal of non-consensually shared videos and images. This report offers statistics, graphs, and tables based on an analysis of victims of CSAM. It doesn't have to be that way, group says. Karen Sloan. A: Please provide the facts and details you have to the trained intake personnel and we will have an attorney review. June 14 Reuters - Eleven people who allege videos or images of their sexual abuse as minors were uploaded to PornHub have filed lawsuits in California federal court against the company, Visa and two hedge funds over claims they knowingly profited from the content, court records show. Back in , both MasterCard and Visa cut their payment services to Pornhub, shortly before the site removed all videos by unverified users. By William Thornton wthornton al.

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