American boy dolls

American boy dolls

The detail in the garments will appeal to the most discriminating of doll collectors, while the sturdiness and ease of use makes it suitable for everyday play. Made of high-quality fabrics and cotton materical. Maplelea Jean Jacket. Website Online. Added to Cart. They are an great addition to any doll clothing collection. All photos. These boy doll clothes series can be well matched with your existing inch dolls Safe Materials: These 18 inch doll clothing are made of soft and environmentally friendly fabrics, which have been safety tested, conform to US Toy Standard ASTM F Includes: inch doll, skateboard, helmet, T-shirt, shorts, undies, knee pads, and pair of shoes. Added to. We use cookies to optimize your experience on our website and not to collect your personal information, as per our privacy policy. Iconic Canadian PJs for Dolls.

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