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So that means if there were a similar study of the norovirus, which can also lead to intestinal misery, different genes might be involved. Think about that for a second. So what this means for us? Can sticking your own anus bacteria into your mouth get you sick sucking on a penis after it has been inside your anus. Various enzymes. It is your article that makes me full of hope. How does E. The human saliva has an enzyme that kills bacteria called Lysozyme also found in tears and sweat. Among the more common causes are: Water that has come in contact with feces and is then inadequately treated before drinking; Food that has been handled with feces present; Poor sewage treatment along with disease vectors like houseflies; Poor or absent cleaning after handling feces or anything that has been in contact with it; Sexual practices that may involve feces, such as analingus; Sexual fetishes that involve feces, known collectively as coprophilia its eating is known as coprophagia ; Some of the diseases that can be passed via the fecal-oral route include I have actually looked up each and added a quick description to each : Giardiasis popularly known as beaver fever — is a parasitic disease caused by the flagellate protozoan Giardia lamblia also sometimes called Giardia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis. This goes for the ladies and men. Giardiasis is passed via the fecal-oral route. An agenda.

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