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I know this is gonna get me either in trouble or a small part in the Taylor Sheridan Universe. No poem here but a shout out to you AOC, your first video from my town and the campus of B. Aylo has chosen to disable the website rather than comply with a highly restrictive and intrusive age verification law. Ayumi wakaba is the main business asset of the company xxx bf. Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez announced her introduction of an anti-deepfake bill. Mar 25, Im feeling it now. This day i felt glibness coming off me like water in a tin roof valley spills onto bunch grass or whatever that greenery theyn prize around here so much that basically is a hiding place for roaches which get in the house and die but not before they scare the holy FUCK out of you buzzing around like a drone right after you got high and are relaxed on couch in boxers with a beer and a young Reese Witherspoon flik cued up. By absolute weird ass co-incidence her shop is directly across the street from the where the girlwomanchild works, holds luminous powerful court and she has dealt with me before but in small doses. We are entering a new phase here, a post-woke-abee Sanders the Arkie one ERA of lets just all get along. Old fucks like me we write poems and listen to music which is a braille of memory….. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing criticism after announcing a partnership with an anti-porn group.

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