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Aoi just watched him, panting softly, still recovering from everything that had just happened. Previous Share Flag Next. It took all of Aoi's willpower to keep his pleasured sounds at a minimum, but now that he was done talking, Ruki found a good rhythm and stuck to it. Uruha squealed in happiness and gave his father a huge hug in gratitude. He wanted to try something out, see if Aoi liked the same things he did You think you've got monopoly on them? He didn't look angry. Yes, I should be burned in the stake for my perverted mind LOL. How could he say that my glaring at him was cute? Aoi frowned at his phone, not sure how to interpret that. Ryutaro smiled widely. A head, hands and legs seemed to grow out of the flower until it took the shape of a black silhouette.

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