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Figure S1. In , however, a military coup under conservative control ousted President Yrigoyen, marking the beginning of the Infamous Decade, when old colonial traits reemerged Ciria ; Bethell The content on this page is provided for information only. Gorodnichenko Y, Roland G Which dimensions of culture matter for long-run growth? Compared with difference-in-differences analysis, the synthetic control method imposes less restrictive functional assumptions on the estimation process. Useful links Earthquakes — What to do? The serial correlation in the unobservable component could lead to massively underestimated standard errors, which would imply that the underlying null hypothesis on the effects of de jure and de facto political institutions was over-rejected because of the underestimated standard errors, which would invoke the Kloek—Moulton bias Kloek ; Moulton , Psacharopoulos G Returns to investment in education: a global update. Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. World Dev 35 5 — More about mass gatherings large-scale events. Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp —

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