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Far-right extremist pundits and at least one anti-trans member of the U. Africa 2 hours ago. While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk. It seems to be Pornhub's only real way to protest the laws and force lawmakers to consider their concerns over what Pornhub views as misguided age-verification laws. Beyond the U. She secured a decisive majority, with the district voting percent in her favor over Thierry. As votes poured in on Tuesday evening, it became clear that Simmons would be the victor. In Louisiana, FSC lawyers have asked a judge to block the state from enforcing its law, and it seems likely that the FSC will make the same demands in Mississippi and Virginia. Pornhub has apologized to "loyal visitors" whose access has now been blocked in increasingly more states, but many users have found that it's pretty easy to skirt age verification and Pornhub's block by using a VPN. Federal Government 4 days ago. Pornhub has said that rather than requiring platforms to ask for ID, lawmakers should require device-based age verification as "the only solution that makes the Internet safer. Those efforts include Pornhub blocking access to users in these states and rallying users to help persuade lawmakers that requiring ID to access adult content will only create more harm for users in their states.

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