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When a vengeful angel makes him pay for his misdeeds, Shake looks to the forces of darkness for help. Frylock's new invention inadvertently destroys Carl's body, but the Aqua Teens manage to save his head. Regional and National History. Meatwad wins some tickets to the Super Bowl. With the Aqua Teens gone, a trio of Sirens move into their house. See below. Shake and Meatwad must investigate the DMV, after a particular driving instructor draws suspicion. Jon Benjamin, a large exercise ball, and a guy we hired to play Carl. Master Shake becomes jealous of Ol' Drippy's popularity and starts to behave obnoxiously. Oxford Academic is home to a wide variety of products. Literary Studies Plays and Playwrights. Authoring Open access Purchasing Institutional account management Rights and permissions.

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