Banned commercials pornhub

Banned commercials pornhub

Get more from Campaign US. The brand was explicitly talking about Foodporn, which has become a cultural phenomenon on Instagram. We also have a robust internal policy by which we remove this content, including scanning all content to determine whether it is consensual or not, employing a team of expertly trained human reviewers who monitor for specific cues and criteria, and by making it as easy as possible to flag illegal content. This is not the first time a network has rejected a Super Bowl ad from a company catering to adults. Should it have been banned or not? Main Menu U. As noted by Buzzfeed , businesses like Pornhub and Ashley Madison, a dating website for people looking for encounters outside of their relationship, likely submitted a few of the ads on this list just to have them banned. Like most people, you probably aren't. Of course it should go without saying that our ultimate goal is to reduce this number to zero but this validates our approach to eradicating this type of content on our platform. More In Sports. Massage IN Paris views. The newspaper called out Unilever and Kraft Heinz, which ran a one-day campaign for US brand Devour, in a story alleging the site was home to large quantities of illegal content, some including young children.

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