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Parents' lawsuit to ban New Jersey from storing BABY BLOOD gets 'shocking' response from state officials Archaeologists find depiction of 'Simpsons' character on 3,year-old Egyptian mummy coffin A 'history-changing' discovery: 3,year-old ship containing wine jugs found 56 miles off the Israeli HB 3 necessitates websites hosting pornography to authenticate user ages through methods such as government ID checks or third-party verification services. Read more. As actor dies at 88, how controversial shoot with Julie Christie in cult horror film sparked rumours neither actor could shake 'We all love you so much! His focus is covering U. Texas House Bill , requiring age verification for access to online pornography, came into effect in September , but was initially blocked by an injunction. About time! You may unsubscribe at any time. Top stories. This is an exclusive story available for selected readers only. Limited Access. From SPF for your locks to nourishing each strand from within and the ultimate anti-frizz hack, we have you covered Ad Feature The beach that won Kate and William's hearts: Norfolk backdrop in Princess of Wales' birthday tribute was also the setting for Father's Day photo Perrie Edwards fans praise her 'mindblowing' second single Tears as she reveals her son Axel, two, features in her upcoming debut album Travis Scott sells T-shirts featuring his mugshot as he capitalises on recent arrest for disorderly intoxication and trespassing Tom Blyth pays tribute to Hunger Games star Donald Sutherland who was his President Snow predecessor Do you own a business?

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