Best anime feet scenes

Best anime feet scenes

Photo: Xebec. Gilgamesh is also chad. Since there are no objective standards about anime feet, such public interest stack would be against the rules You are looking for a girl who is more unique? How are you everyone? She uses her feet for everything, even the most simple tasks. You made feet interest stack without Fairy Tail?! Usually the best animes for foot scenes are Harem animes because they are designed to show the female characters off. Last but definitely not least we have an anime girl for all fans of endlessly long high socks: the tough Maya Kumashiro from Occult Academy. Get ready to meet Sado Taro who has to realize that he is a little bit of a masochist and loves it when people make him feel miserable. Ed is the first thing that comes to mind when we think about feet. So what do you all think?

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