Big ass tranny

Big ass tranny

Top Contributors this Month View All. I would like to take the engine and tranny out of the 94 9C1 and install it in the 95 Wagon, and then in return install the 95 Wagon 80K guts into the 94 9C1 which will then be sold. Jul Explore Our Forums. Recommended Communities. We repair all drive line and suspension components of BMW automobiles including engine and cylinder head rebuilding. A big wrench don't remember the size for the drain bolt and a big Allan Wrench for the fill bolt. Deals Forum. I have just recently had my gear oil changed and my shifter is still hard to shift at times; probably due to a rebuild needed on the shifter. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. TurdyFive 19 Replies. So there's just a single nut that I need to tighten?

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