Big assed pornstars

Big assed pornstars

Alura Jenson. A long and limber model with sculpted cheekbones and legs that go on forever, Brittney loves to suck. We bet all fappers out there are going crazy for her comeback. During this time, Sheena has attracted an avid international fan following due to her amazing ass and raw sexual charisma. Watch Layton Benton Now. This list will feature white female models only, if you are not into that, please check our posts on best Asian asses and best black asses. Bella has also been featured in a lot of epic anal and butt themed films. Alexa Chandler. Jada Stevens If you start a list about the best big ass pornstars of all time, Jada Stevens is one of the first names to write down. In high-school I masturbated with all kinds of random objects including food, etc. Abella is overrated but she is a legend in porn, and known for her ass. Autumn Falls.

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