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Thou Shalt Not Kill : Baymax has this built in as a primary protocol. Nice flying! With your friends. Fred: Car! Apocalyptic Log : Not exactly recounting the apocalypse, but the tie-in book Hiro's Journal shows us the events of the movie from the perspective of diary entries. The data is only saved locally on your computer and never transferred to us. Close on Title : The movie's title is the last thing to appear before the credits, following a shot of the team jumping towards the screen and Hiro narrating, "Who are we? It's funny when Hiro changes the face on his fighting robot from smiley to angry. The others feel the same way, given their shocked expressions. Emerging from the Shadows : Fred's dad in The Stinger. Death by Origin Story : At its core, the film is a Disney Deconstruction of both the hero and villain variants of this trope. Her four-hundred-pound ball of it, however, would really weigh about four thousand pounds unless it's hollow.

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