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Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. All of the elements that made part one enjoyable are missing. Another common criticism is the lack of personality for the Delta Force team themselves. I love movie violence and all that, but this movie was too bad to describe. What in American English might be called a dude. On the surface everything appears to be there: Chuck, action, fight scenes, outrageous stunts, explosions, evil bad guys - it's all there. Storyline Edit. Don't get me wrong, this movie is just rightfully in place as your Sunday afternoon mind killer on TV, but is a completely letdown as a Delta Force sequel. Like this one was supposed to have Chuck in some sort of drug task force, but they thought they could get some more bucks by making it a sequel to the Delta Force movie. Gander To take a look around. A little bit of propaganda. See detailed box office info on IMDbPro.

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