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I have no idea how many, or how easy it is to treat, or whether "addiction" is the best term for it, but it's the best word I know of to describe the phenomenon But you must assert that you too have a need for sex, and that for him to save all his sexual energy for himself is simply inconsiderate. How can I help him break the habit once and for all? The reason you may not have gotten through to him before is in your choice of words. Similar topics 5. When I was a callow youth information on sexual matters was very hard to come by and I read that the normal size of an erect penis was 6 to 9 inches and assumed that my 5. Too much of our dialogue about sex, whether we intend it to or not, boils down to shame. Approach it as a participant, as a teammate, as someone who might even be willing to drag some of those X-Tube situations into the arena of real life. Seems like your dude is hiding from something and depending on an old reliable habit to help him avoid dealing with it. But there are also psychological dimensions common to chemical drugs as well as activities , like habituation ritualization , obsession, and compulsion. Are there people out there who would literally get sick and risk death if they stopped watching pornography immediately, as a serious alcoholic would if they ceased drinking? But you have a right to sexual satisfaction too, so something has to give.

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