Class of 09 hentai

Class of 09 hentai

During Kyosuke's infiltration to try to help save the hostages, he learns by chance that wearing women's used underwear on his face awakens the dormant powers of his dominatrix mother and, combined with the influence of his policeman father's strong sense of justice, transforms him into a superhero - Hentai Kamen. With Hentai Kamen defeated, he was warned to never appear as Hentai Kamen ever again. John Report. Request for an Update? Comment on this game Version: Request for an Update? Eh Report. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. Jimbo27 Report It's a sweet game I love the game. That was foul Like. But I'm really pissed now, I wanted to import my saves i had, but it didnt allow me to do it. During this time, a new pervert is on the loose and looks very similar to Hentai Kamen and has been randomly sexually harassing people on the streets. With his perverted powers weakened, Kyosuke could not call forth Hentai Kamen.

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