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Carleton Place …Mac Graham….. For the half-marathon race, the following local runners have registered with the Running Room for the Sept. Cardinal …Bill Bowers….. Athens …Annie Delisle….. Gatineau …Lynda Beaudoin….. Cornwall …Jennifer Deschamps….. A third version is planned for Used by The Conversation "Delay school start times to help young people catch up on sleep" by Sarah Blunden - March 15, at theconversation. Almonte …Al Jones….. The chapel contains as a piscina dating from the 14th century, and monuments to Bishop Graham dated , and to William Bispham who died in , Other monuments in the north aisle include a tablet to Bishop Jacobson, dated , by Boehm to a design by Blomfield. Cornwall …Cathy Richer….. Chalk River …Jayson Murray…..

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