Documentary on pornhub

Documentary on pornhub

Martin Patriquin, Quebec correspondent for The Logic, published an article that ran in The Logic about the Montreal-founded company behind Pornhub beforehand, and later in the National Post. Trailer Watch Official Trailer. Yet Pinter assures me, authentically, that she is not anti-porn at all. There are a number of other issues explored in the trailer, like the fact that Pornhub functions in the same way that many social media websites do. Siri Dahl Self - Porn Performer. Archived from the original on March 23, Categories : films s English-language films documentary films Documentary films about pornography Netflix original documentary films Works about child sexual abuse Works about sex trafficking Pornhub Network. A few years ago, the site was accused of promoting illegal and very hardcore content, this documentary tells us the story about how this site became the number one content distribution platform… for grown-ups. Discover the best of the city, first. For assistance, contact your corporate administrator. Netflix approached Jigsaw Productions about making a documentary on Pornhub and corporate responsibility.

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