Downdetector pornhub

Downdetector pornhub

Reports on Down Detector, a crowd-sourced outage data collector, show service interruptions across DFW — from as far west as Fort Worth to as far east as Garland and as far south as Dallas to as far north as Frisco. About 28 percent of users are reporting problems with the website while 7 percent of users are struggling to load their feeds. The increase in early evening traffic was even more dramatic, reaching as much as 19 per cent above average at 7pm, already one of Pornhub's highest viewing periods. Yahoo Life Shopping. It wrote in a statement this may have been because the outage appeared to be a patchy interruption, rather than a total global shutdown. In August , the search engine, including gmail and google docs, went down for less than five minutes, causing a 40 per cent drop in worldwide internet traffic. We're very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate everyone's patience. Intuit Alumni. Finance Personal Finance Business. Live Blog. For the hour outage on March 14, this is in Australia; for most of the rest of the world it happened on March 13 , Pornhub traffic was up double percentage points. Sign up for our newsletters Get the latest News, free stuff and more!

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