Dubai porta potty stories

Dubai porta potty stories

This really put a smile on my face haha. We didn't need to know this but we know now. If it negatively affects us, surely we have a right to discourage it from being done? I know this post is old but I would like to comment…. If someone wanted to pay you to kill somebody, would you do it? I think not only about my admittedly impressionable self as a male but also my younger sisters and the effect that this sort of hypocritical marketing. I agree that both are to blame. I was researching Indian scammers and then stumbled onto this. What an idiot with a very big reality check coming. If someone is completely deprived from a taboo subject it will leave people uneducated, unaware and curious about a new found world. The author comes off as judgy when this happens everywhere, even in her back yard. Again, all of this only if I can, in fact, be slightly pedantic, because otherwise thanks for the great read!

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