Erotic story mother in law

Erotic story mother in law

Sucking, licking, and twisting her firm tits. Chithra started requesting not to do, as it will hurt. She was afraid. Call you later. Chithra was shocked, as she had not expected me to return home so early. With nothing to loose I asked my wife to help her mother out of that nightgown. We have another days before Lalitha returns. I went over and knocked on the door and my mother-in-law came to the door in a loose fitting robe and invited me in and said how about a cup of coffe before you get started, as she fixed the coffee and leaned over to pour me a cup I could see those big tits and immediately became hard a s rock and as we drank the coffee she would lean forwad. Toys Without delay, he pulled my legs apart and slid his big cock into my wet pussy! I could see from her face that she wanted to have my dick but she was probably not sure how I would react. Do you remember what I have asked you"?

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