Fat chick pron

Fat chick pron

My self-consciousnesses is so bad that i wouldnt let my picture be taken even with my son, until a good friend pointed out that if i kept it up my son would never have any pictures of me. Just like the fashion industry! Being a fat girl from babyhood I always looked at the skinny people and wondered. Seven years ago I took one class and I was hooked. It is about loving ourselves and our bodies, regardless of our size, shape, hair, wrinkles, or whatever. People like to cut us down because they think we "need" it. Can I just say that I love you ;-; Reading this has been so inspiring And a husband I'm also poly! It had taken a toll on my self-confidence that I'm still trying to gain back Being obese can be the most dangerous aspect of your character. But that was my real meaning. Same goes for any eating plan you adopt.

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FAT CHICK PRON / salondulivre.pro