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Additionally, Furry artists reported seeing accounts known for posting pornographic furry art and other NSFW blogs were deleted examples shown below, left. Pornography: totally legal, b Screenshot from website. A number of these blogs [3] use illustrated cartoons to respond to queries. Since being introduced in , the phrase has evolved into a form of trolling on anonymous chat site Omegle , ultimately prompting the Anonymous raid on Tumblr known as Operation Overlord. Users on Tumblr quickly noticed that many of the accounts identified posted shitpost-style posts rather than political propaganda. On March 23rd, , Tumblr sent out an email to a large amount of users alerting them that they had identified and terminated 84 accounts that were tied to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian -affiliated agency which engages in the spread of disinformation and propaganda through social media. Sweet Baby Inc Controversy. A precursor to this may have been "Fuck Yeah Comic Secrets" [6] , a similar style single topic blog. The second annual event was organized by Tumblr user emily-loves-asgardians, who has since deleted her original post, [26] and in , it evolved into a larger-scale event after Tumblr user Ms. On September 9th, , the 10 billionth Tumblr post was made. AP and Getty images may not be republished.

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