Gay armpit twitter

Gay armpit twitter

In the vast and intriguing landscape of human desires, armpits have become a subject of fascination, sparking countless Reddit threads and Instagram pages dedicated to their allure. Gross as it might seem to some people out there, many gay men I know myself included find armpit sweat to be strangely appealing. A lactating mother produces a pheromone that attracts her child to her. Gender and Sexuality. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. It does not store any personal data. Close Menu. And, unsurprisingly, gay men are leading the charge. For Teachers Newshour Classroom. Health Long-Term Care. News, "I know I have armpit fat, it's OK. Though the tweet has sat in relative obscurity since Arison put it out into the world, Twitter users began to comment on it on Wednesday morning, with several people calling on others to delete the app from their phones.

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