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In the same year she appeared as the fictional young screenwriter Catrin Cole in Their Finest, a wartime romcom about a propaganda film crew working in the midst of World War II. She requested that she be left tied to the bed even when the camera was not on her to help her performance. But Gemma Arterton is now in danger of being confined to the slow lane, after she was caught speeding in her Toyota. Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal. Online shop Temu has become famous for its rock-bottom prices - But there are some major catches YouTube star Ben Potter known as Comicstorian's cause of death revealed following passing at The actress admitted she was told to be less vocal about feminism before the MeToo movement and shared her frustration about the 'hypocrisy' in the industry. Arterton learnt to speak fluent French for the role, never having spoken a word of the language previously. Post a new comment Error Comments allowed for members only Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal. By Richard Eden. Gemma revealed she was also told to be less opinionated about feminism by a Hollywood manager and said she was told it could 'hold' her career back. Enchanting's cause of death revealed after rapper, 26, was taken off life support Satisfying moment ATV thief learns very harsh lesson moments after stealing a four-wheeler from parking lot Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU - June 12, Reform are closing gap on Tories as Farage returns to the fray - with new poll revealing Conservative voters But here's why he

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