God pornhub

God pornhub

I also looked at the study and realized that there is quite a bit that needs to be said about anal sex and Russia, especially in light of recent events. The Pornhub study, meanwhile, suggests that more people in general search for straight anal sex — though not by that much. I think most posters here are in agreement that people want what is taboo. Lots of women watch porn. Being on a proxy means that comments on this thing take a long time to load. I guess I just think of you as a Lady yes, capital L and the idea that you trawl Pornhub for their statistics is unsettling and upsetting. Home Christian news Pornhub removes 10 million videos in response to pressure. It would have been nice to have some feminist analysis for this issue, as opposed to a tonn of sick apologism for Russians who like to see women degraded and tortured online. Russians watch more. People want what is taboo. I think I speak for the majority. Now I wish they never loaded.

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GOD PORNHUB / salondulivre.pro