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Each hall will have an assistant returning officer overseeing the EVM counting process. Political analyst Hari Desai opined that it is going to be a tight rope walk for Hardik in BJP and doubted whether he will enjoy the same power and authority in BJP as it already has several stalwart Patidar leaders. Mangaluru: Vehicular traffic prohibited on Maravoor old bridge Fri, Jun The area within a m radius of the counting centre will be declared a pedestrian zone. Many thought we were living in a new normal. The Netgen team of IT professionals has expanded the services that the company now provides. However, our vote share has increased by two per cent when compared to the Assembly elections. Rajya Sabha polls: Kumaraswamy hits out at Cong for engineering cross-voting Rajya Sabha polls: Kumaraswamy had earlier alleged "horse-trading" in the Rajya Sabha elections claiming that Congress leader Siddaramaiah was pressurising JD S MLAs to vote for the candidate fielded by the grand old party. I think for BJP this person only for use and throw purpose only itseems. Employment growth under Modi has been marginal at best. DisAgree [4] Agree [9] Report Abuse. My Account.

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