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Winter snow landscape view. Beautiful Woman Drinking Tea in Nature. Heard resides in Los Angeles, where she is actively involved with Amnesty International. She was almost immediately signed to a modeling contract, and eventually appeared in "Sports Illustrated", "Vogue", "Vanity Fair" and two TV commercials for Chanel 5 perfume, both directed by Luc Besson. Smiling Afro-American woman is sitting on a sofa while looking at a camera. Beautiful lady immerses herself in revitalizing flow of warm shower caressing tired hands. Shot of a gorgeous young woman lying on her bed. Middle-aged woman braving a cold winter day at the seaside standing on a wooden deck overlooking the beach on a breezy day smiling happily at the camera. Pretty girl sitting in a sauna. Portrait of young bearded man at the beach. But to keep her weight at a svelte pounds, she stays fit with a rigorous stretching and strengthening routine her firm body tone is evident when compared to photos of her earlier modeling, where she was very slim but not toned. In , she became engaged to French journalist Romain Dauriac, the couple married a year later.

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