Hottest asian actors

Hottest asian actors

Following graduation, Chan gained a training contract offer as a graduate at the law firm Slaughter and May, but instead pursued an acting career and studied at the Drama Centre London. Photo: IMDb. This list has some of the most attractive Asian men in the film industry. Gemma Chan born 29 November is a British film, television, and theatre actress and former fashion model. Shortly after, she was chosen to portray the role of Wang Yuyan in Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, a drama based on the same-titled novel by the acclaimed martial arts writer, Jinyong. Jamie Chung. Whether you're looking for cute faces or sexy bods, the most attractive Asian actors have something for everyone. We spend a lot of time wondering if you and Idris smoke cigars in tuxedos together. His ability to convey a range of emotions from behind an impassive mask captivates audiences and keeps them on edge. The others I'm not that familiar though. She is known for working in Hindi films and is one of the highest-paid actresses in India. Love Henry Golding!

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