How pornhub

How pornhub

Der Spiegel. Archived from the original on 3 December Toronto Star. Worldwide [1]. Pornhub's traffic increased by The revenue from advertising is several times greater than what it makes through premium subscriptions. On 10 October , the two owners of GirlsDoPorn along with two employees were arrested on three counts of sex trafficking by force, fraud, and coercion, after a civil lawsuit was filed in July. The key to their success was a data-harvesting system that allowed them to tailor content to consumers in a way that far outpaced their non-porn rivals because they simply had more material with which to work , as well as a paradigm-disrupting focus on unauthorized distribution. In short, Mindgeek has too much content. So producers create videos that end up on Mindgeek's free sites, thus lowering the returns for Mindgeek. Archived from the original on 9 June Retrieved 17 August

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