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If as you browse the web, the same source seems to be tracking your browser across different websites, then Privacy Badger springs into action, telling your browser not to load any more content from that source. Privacy Badger does not work with Microsoft Edge Legacy. Add to Firefox on Android. What is the Privacy Badger license? Browser fingerprinting is an extremely subtle and problematic method of tracking, which we documented with the Panopticlick project. What about tracking by the sites I actively visit, like NYTimes. Please switch to the new Microsoft Edge browser. They can track your IP address, or they can use some combination of these techniques. On the modern Web, embedded images and code often use cookies and other methods to track your browsing habits — often to display advertisements. How do I stop Privacy Badger from blocking me? To get help or to report bugs, please email extension-devs eff. And while Privacy Badger only enforces DNT compliance against third-party domains, GPC applies to everyone — the first-party sites you visit, and any third-party trackers they might invite in.

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