

Report abuse. The legislation closely mirrors laws passed in eight other states over the past two years after Louisiana in became the first state to require porn sites to verify the age of users. Related to this story. Sign up! Dan Bouska examines a baseball glove sent in for repair in his basement shop in Omaha on Friday, May 10, The error is usually sent if the client cannot get a response within 30 seconds. Details required :. Click here to subscribe. Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before downloading and installing it. The law doesn't tap a state agency to monitor compliance, putting that power into the hands of consumers who could file civil lawsuits against companies that run afoul of the law. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Jim Pillen offered a parting shot to one of the most popular websites in the world Thursday as Pornhub's parent company confirmed that it plans to shut off access to its website to users in Nebraska when a new law takes effect next month.

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