Husky hardcore

Husky hardcore

Well it took the fellas a few minutes to get warmed up in this one they spent the first 20 minutes complaining about the current state of college football. Suddenly, UW's super bright future proves to be a mirage as the team is gutted and adrift on the seas of mediocrity. Derek and Koopdog aka The Sweatpants General get together for their annual Oktoberfest that this year became Decemberfest. Dawgman Radio: A Washington Huskies athletics podcast. Brought to you by HardcoreHusky. They give tons of shout outs to UW players who came through on the big stage. To join in on the grief and anguish, come register for free at HardcoreHusky. Come register for free and join the malarkey at HardcoreHusky. Come join the fun and register for free at HardcoreHusky. Dave 'Softy' Mahler and Dick Fain. Derek makes a half-hearted pitch for Pete Carroll as an emergency stop gap. Come register for free and enjoy the malarkey at Hardcore Husky.

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