Is pornhub banned in china

Is pornhub banned in china

According to the Section 9 of Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, it is illegal to produce and distribute pornographic material for profit, violators shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also be fined; simple possession is legal. January — present [75]. Between and , crackdowns on pornography sites resulted in the arrests of thousands of people annually. In , users became unable to views pictures on Yahoo's photo sharing site. Retrieved 2 March A few major though ill-fated websites appeared in China during , including "99 Erotica Forum" and "Erotica Juneday". It cannot be used without a VPN. The general rule in Russia is that viewing pornography is not illegal but producing it is. PRC authorities have closed down many pornographic services in recent years, but an ongoing cat and mouse game between the two has led providers and users to find other ways to share adult content, both self-made and pirated from other pornographic film studios. Reputable services in China tend to charge a membership fee and in return offer greater reliability and fewer or no ads. Archived from the original on 11 April Other countries are much more stringent, and some go so far as to censor or block pornography on the internet.

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