Is pornhub legal in germany

Is pornhub legal in germany

To see their false flag campaign in action, consider content Germany allows all ages to watch online. The Independent. With imprisonment of at most one year or a fine of the fourth category is punished he who gives, offers or shows an image, an object or a data carrier, containing an image of which the display is considered harmful for persons under the age of sixteen, to a minor of whom he knows or should reasonably suspect that this person is under the age of sixteen. Pornography in Vietnam is classed as a "social evil". Distribution, public demonstration or advertising of pornographic materials or objects to minors, or involvement of minors in distribution of pornographic materials effected by a person who has reached eighteen years of age — shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of two to five years with or without deprivation of the right to hold definite offices or to engage in definite activities for a term of up to ten years. This section does not cite any sources. Under the body are 14 state media authorities , which are responsible for individual regions. Pornography use. RedTube's Alex Taylor released a statement saying: "RedTube stands by its firm opinion that these letters are completely unfounded and that they violate the rights of those who received it in a very serious manner," describing the court's actions as blackmail and a violation of privacy. The only exception is Popcorn Time. Retrieved 22 August Equatorial Guinea.

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