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Film Quarterly. Huppert now appears as the eponymous novelist being interviewed about a lecture, Eros, in which she muses on the sexual relations between gods and humans. Archived from the original on March 21, Retrieved April 9, Archived from the original on April 4, Huppert plays this with wit and dexterity and eventually returns to the persona of a Phaedra capsized by love. Its main reward is the chance to see Isabelle Huppert who is not just a great screen actor but on stage shows a matchless capacity for self revelation. The first, and worst, is a confection of the Lebanese-Canadian writer Wajdi Mouawad which offers variations on the Phaedra myth. Archived from the original on February 4, Chicago Reader. Much of the action is also played within a transparent chamber that evokes the isolation from reality of these doomed royals. Read more.

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