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Jeffrey epstein pornhub

A millionaire known for associating with celebrities, politicians, billionaires and academic stars, Epstein became the subject of a police investigation in Palm Beach, Florida, in after he was accused of paying a year-old girl for sex. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Gold Prices 24K 22K Bangalore 73, Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. More From AP News. The suit alleges that MindGeek intentionally chose not to monitor the videos being uploaded because doing so might have threatened its profit margins. Pornhub also said the lawyer leading the case, Michael Bowe was a " a soldier of the ultra-right wing effort to shut down the adult content industry. All Rights Reserved. Irish Sun. The civil case was filed on Thursday in a California court, and each of the plaintiffs alleges they were the victims of sex trafficking. Pornhub, a popular pornography site, is one of the most visited websites in the US.

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