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To be perfectly honest, the only other artist I can think of that made this much commotion Representation matters in the immediate present when you're at an age when pop culture plays such a big part in shaping your self image. Labels: In the privacy of my room, I watched that sex tape with both a clinical eye and an imaginative one, comparing myself to her in an effort to figure out what it took for a black woman to snag herself a Hollywood heartthrob. The list went on. It was simply about the twisted way it finally made me feel wanted by the men Hollywood wanted me to love. December 09, This was a huge deal; another name to add to the short list black women semi jokingly keep. Pitchfork reports that it will feature "Off to The Ra. But I had fewer scruples when I was in high school. But I was in love with genre heroes. Will Smith, also on my wall, was the exception and not the rule.

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