Kawaii crush dolls

Kawaii crush dolls

Confessions of a Doll Collectors Daughter. Tammy Lamby features very pale yellow lamb pieces such as her lamb shape hair pick-brush, her lamb helmet shaped cap, and two lamb hair scrunchies. Sign me up! August 9, at am. She loves to help others find the most perfect style that will fit every one of her customers. Candy's set comes with thirteen pieces in total, one being herself while another is her shop. So much so, that her accessories consist of nothing but. Explore Wikis Community Central. Doll stands 8" tall. Kfore replied: This makes me so sad, just love the dolls, and was actually searching for more clothes, since one little outfit got ripped, any suggestions? March 21, at am. On this page you will find neatly organized, picture and information filled descriptions of each piece of merchandise that appears in Kawaii Crush.

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KAWAII CRUSH DOLLS / salondulivre.pro