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Posted by Jeremy Kibler October 21, Past month. Sometimes that's enough praise for a Happy Madison joint, so we take what we can get. It's predictably stupid, vulgar, sexist, phonily sweet, and yet…and yet…sometimes the base, sophomoric, hard-R humor garners some guilty laughs that could be counted on one hand and maybe a few more fingers. The worst flub of all is a "shocking," creepily unfunny incest subplot coming out of left field, where Sandler's Donny even reacts with disgust. Then again, it still doesn't warrant a full recommendation. Posted by Jeremy Kibler November 08, No video available Premium HD Then there's the running time, minutes yes, 1 hour and 54 minutes , and there's absolutely no reason for a silly comedy to go on that long. Since then, Sandler has regressed, pumping out dopey, hacky junk under his Happy Madison Productions banner, even if he's capable of better quality methinks he just doesn't care since he gets to work with his friends and get paid big bucks for it. Richard Manns World. When accessing this site you agree to our terms of use.

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