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Later this month, despite months of protest by sex workers , Mastercard will introduce restrictive new policies that force porn sites into a state of hyper-compliance. Inviting these fantasies in, exploring and developing them Watch thread Flip. I feel my volunteering has given me a wake up call re: the extent of violence against women and girls. Please create an account To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I'm seeing a lot of posts from people asking whether to trust Onlyfans, now they're saying they support sex workers. I'm also mother to a daughter, which probably isn't helping vis a vis the panic and rage! I imagine they're self-published but I don't know why the hell they're so popular. When I've been active on hook up sites, I've been disturbed by the number of men who are seeking this kind of 'dynamic' in their relationships. Quote Thanks Add post Share. I would say that is a very normal experience for women in the U. And then this week there's been the resignation of Andrew Griffiths: pictures of him holding his baby daughter published alongside the vile texts he sent to 'his' 'slut', saying what 'Daddy' planned to do to her.

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