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Finally, I could not hide my sin any longer. A desirable woman looks like and responds to sex like women in porn. Simple as that. Never before has adult entertainment made me prouder of my KFC rewards points. Manliness meant you conquered women, looked a certain way and performed a certain way. Instead, they thanked me for sharing, shared they had a similar struggle, and they prayed for me. In the process, I developed a distorted view of women, of sex, of intimacy, marriage and relationships and of what it meant to be a man. No one knew and I pretended I had it all together as a Christian. Even though I had no idea what I was looking at, I knew I liked it and I knew, deep down, something was wrong with my behaviors. Jul 13 Written By Scott Kedersha. In the process I experienced Proverbs If not, then what are you doing to keep porn from defeating you?

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