Kunoichi 3 pornhub

Kunoichi 3 pornhub

After the war, Sasuke is pardoned for his crimes based on the good word of Naruto and Kakashi who has been selected to become the Sixth Hokage. Sakura was in charge of treating the injured men. She goes to greet him and is initially glad that he's back, but is quickly disappointed when he gets back into a competition of Sexy Techniques with Konohamaru Sarutobi. Kakashi vanishes shortly after the test begins and Sakura, after determining that he's nowhere above ground, concludes he's below ground. Sakura and Ino do so as soon as they return to Konoha, and Kakashi shares their belief that it is an impostor. Sakura tries to make an excuse when she realises how she reacted, but Konohamaru's suspicions that Sakura is just as much a pervert as he is are confirmed. Sakura is moved to tears by this, feeling unbearably guilty for what she feels she had put Naruto through. Chiyo, Sasori's grandmother, ultimately decides to accompany Team 7 as they leave to find Gaara, helping them navigate the local country. Soon after leaving Konoha they are attacked by the Demon Brothers , who go after Tazuna. Although the adults recovered quickly and were put at peace by the end of hostilities, children struggled to recover from the stress of the War and the deaths of those they knew. Although the mission is now A-rank in nature — far beyond the skill of genin — Team 7 decides to continue with it. Sakura then insists rather angrily that it's true and that he should start worrying about himself rather than Sasuke.

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KUNOICHI 3 PORNHUB / salondulivre.pro