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And, best of all, it can be accessed in its entirety, for free. Signed up: June 27, 2, days ago. I chose Great Expectations because I knew, even before having read the book, that Miss Havisham was the most compelling female character ever written. Nor can you feel for them or be them. Is a synopsis even necessary? Melina Marchetta understood teenagers. It showed them that they did not have to choose between one or the other. Like Asians, Mediterraneans appeared on commercial television only if they made fun of themselves. And her character is strung together by the stories her mother Christina and Nonna Katia tell her about strong, stoic women who do not conform to stereotypes. After all, an allusion on Facebook is not as honest as a face-to-face claim. It was a book that made it possible for a generation of young adults to identify as Italian-Australians. Straight Games History Hist.

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