Lola reign

Lola reign

The notion of Queens utilising ladies to gather information around court is hardly a new one but Catherine maintained a group of eight ladies to engage in liaisons with relevant nobles and pass on information. In his desire to take England for France, he has his armies attack Calais against the advice of his generals who he promptly dismisses. Montgomery also attempted to refuse the contest but the king won out and they rode again. When Marie brokered a marriage treaty between her daughter and the Dauphin of her native France. So now we see that Kenna has intelligence, an ability to scheme and an artistic forger's hand, even if her dealings with the king have painted her as rather naive and foolish Anne Boleyn, she is not. Then suddenly she loved him again. Of course they had to kill off Leith. Now let's be clear, Francis and Lola haven't done the nasty since the little baby love child was conceived but, to be frank, there's nothing that brings a couple together more than sharing a person they made together. Watched this last week when it was released on Netflix here in the UK, not happy they killed Lola hope to see Anna Popplewell in another tv show or film. And dying that way, no forgiveness asked to Elizabeth who has been a friend, no contact with Mary, just ruthless and no heart… No more girl, with Aylee and Lola dead, Kenna away pregnant by mr. Most of the new players in Scotland will probably be recurring rather than regulars, and there is no need for some of the old characters. Team Frary and Team Mash both benefit, and the little boy gets a family.

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